Avoid Most Common Mistakes Often Made By New Poker Players


Poker is becoming more and more popular nowadays and it appears that TV channels are filled with online poker events. Nearly every sporting event that you can catch on the old channel has banners for online casinos and casinos playing on the background. The costs of advertisements are paying off, especially to the online casino industry. According to reports, this business is worth 9 billion dollars per year, and is projected to increase to 15 billion by the end of the year or so.

Numerous new players are joining the ranks of older, mature, and more experienced poker players. Poker players who have acquired their battle scars kind of talk. These newbie's, or rookies seem to think that just by watching just a few games on TV, they have all the knowledge however, ...........you don't. It takes a lot of time at the table to learn all the tricks of the game. If you're one the novices, here are some guidelines to keep in mind and follow. It's basically a list of do's and dont's should's. One fact: these "old foxes" on the table will discern you right off the bat.  casino online

1. One of the biggest mistake beginners make is playing hard games. Beginners will often place themselves in games with competition they just can't handle. Rather than playing games with a smaller limit or against other players with similar ability, they would rather go head to head with those who are the bigger boys. Do not get too confident in the beginning. These "big big boy" games are not like playing with your friends at home.

2. The habit of playing too many hands is another mistake that is common. Rookie's have more hands to play than they should, without realizing the importance of starting with top hands in high-end situations, because faking hands does not work every time. Pick up a book or two before settling down to play and you'll know why 9-3 isn't a great first hand. regardless of whether it's suitable or not There's no excuse to be a novice in poker.

3. Patience, patience , and finally, even more patience. A lack of patience will always end up in the same place. If you are playing poker, you'll go through long periods of sheer boredom waiting for your favorite cards. Rookies often don't have the patience required to wait for quality cards out of boredom and they'll begin playing games they should not be playing.

4. The act of drinking alcohol while playing is something that you might do at home while playing with your friends. If you are playing in a tournament , or in any casino environment you will need to bring all of your focus, as well as the little talent that you might have gained up to this point is with you to make sound choices at the table. Remember that the casinos serve alcohol for free at the table with a valid reason. It can cloud your judgement and lead to players making bets that they ought not to have considered in the first place.

5. The long hours of playing poker will affect your brain. Sometime, your brain will just cease to function well especially after 12 hours playing poker. It is always better to take some time off, and come back sharp and fresh the following day, most beginners will spend too many hours trying to chase their money back, or to play "pig" about it , and make more money. When they do this, they end up throwing away the entire amount they won (if they gained some) and sometimes more. Your mind will play tricks on you after playing for many hours and often convince yourself that you are playing well. It is likely that you are not.

6. Bluffing too much and often is a common mistake rookies make. Most new players that have watched too many movies appear to have decided that the game of poker is about Bluffing. They believe that by betting on the same thing that everyone will fall for their bluffs and be away from them. It's not the case. Poker players who have experience catch on to the usual bluffer extremely fast, and they use the technique against him.

7. Making yourself appear as the tough guy, or the big shot in the dark when you play with limits you could not afford is a common mistake. There is nothing more damaging to your self-confidence, as well as your finances, than playing using your rent or credit card cash, or even funds you cannot afford to bet. Because of the pressure it puts on you, it's difficult to make wise decisions when you're thinking about how you are going to pay your rent in the event that you lose. It is always ideal to play within the limits of a budget you can manage.

8. When ahead at the game do not be in a hurry to get your winnings back and take them and run. There is no method for knowing when to continue playing, and when it is time to take a break and leave. The best is not to create a plan as far as when you should quit. Some rookies are known to have a tendency to run away following small victories however they will continue to play even when they're in the back. If you're on winning terms it is a matter of having a formidable table presence and must take advantage of this presence to the max. If you lose, your image at the table gets stained and may be detrimental to how you play the game.  Roulette Casino

9. Egos that are too big will always hurt players, especially rookies. Remember that even if you were top tog player at home. The casino , and in particular the tournament environment is different, and you're not as successful as you might believe you are. If you discover that you don't know everything about poker, is the day that you might start learning a thing or two and increase your chances at winning. It is essential to be objective when it comes to your poker abilities or disabilities as the case might be.

10. When you lose a few hands to the point that it damaged your faith or self confidence in your game, isn't a wise strategy. Be aware that everyone loses some hands. The best approach is to take a break to clear your thoughts and come back once your confidence has returned. One who loses confidence in their game but persists in playing will only put himself further in the hole, since he is not playing with a clear mind, and therefore with bad judgment.

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